I've thought about putting words on a blog again for a little while. Certainly, I write when there are big changes in my life, which comes about relatively often since I seem to constantly be doing something different. These writings are stored on my 10 year old MacBook Pro (which needs upgrading) in rough form, little word documents that get opened up every so often for reflections of tidbits that make me who I am.
Back in 2009 I started a blog with my bf at that time, to document our travels in Latin America. It was (and still is) called diversidad-de-vida.blogspot.com (if you want to check it out - there is a great entry on our experience during the 2010 earthquake in Chile!). It was fun writing. People viewed, commented occasionally. Though I wasn't sure how many people would read it aside from my mom (thanks for your support, mom!). Coming back to the USA I mostly stopped. In part, I often have little digital connection. And when I do, I tend not to prioritize it.
Looking at where travel writing and blogging has skyrocketed to in the last 8 years, I would probably have a pretty good thing going on by now if I'd been more disciplined about documenting my journeys. The road has been long and winding. So, perhaps it will continue to be interesting, and I'll continue to add things on this page. Or perhaps, this page will be deleted after cobwebs collect. We'll see!